I expanded CI_Profiler Class.
I think that I must not be able to see profiler with the genuine server.
file path : application/libraries/MY_Profiler.php
The function that I added a hand to is run().
public function run()
&& $this->CI->config->item("genuine_url") == $this->CI->config->item("base_url")
return FALSE;
I wrote $config["genuine_url"] on config.php.
If I did not write it,I take this as a development environment and should display a result of profiler.
Because I wrote it, it answers false if I judged it with genuine environment, and It should answer a result of profiler if it is environment of the development.
Because Profiler Class serves as a duty, I can write it in this way.
Movie on USTREAM
This animation is Sheen who clicked a button.
Because there is much quantity, the result of profiler comes to be closed if I click a result.
Let's Unit test!
You must not say that you were able to put work away till you finish writing a test.
I prepare Controller file to write unit test.
* I use 'Modular Extensions - HMVC'. I made a Test Module.
It divides a test file and the program code of the main body.
Filing it has to devise it to name it,If you did not use 'Modular Extensions - HMVC'.
I suggest it and do the top of the name of the file in 'test_'