Latest Items : development report
[2] Goodby var_dump! Welcome Profiler of CodeIgniter!!!
This is a continuance of the last report.
I expanded CI_Profiler Class.
I think that I must not be able to see profiler with the genuine server.
file path : application/libraries/MY_Profiler.php
The function that I added a hand to is run().
public function run()
&& $this->CI->config->item("genuine_url") == $this->CI->config->item("base_url")
return FALSE;
I wrote $config["genuine_url"] on config.php.
If I did not write it,I take this as a development environment and should display a result of profiler.
Because I wrote it, it answers false if I judged it with genuine environment, and It should answer a result of profiler if it is environment of the development.
Because Profiler Class serves as a duty, I can write it in this way.

Goodby var_dump! Welcome Profiler of CodeIgniter!!!
Hi! PHP User.
Do you use 'var_dump' ?
I use it very frequently.
var_dump! var_dump! var_dump!!!
However, I did not use it very much.
(I use it a little)
I have begun to use CodeIgniter.
There is a very convenient library in CodeIgniter.
It is profiler.
This image is profiler of CodeIgniter. This image extracted it.
(This system use language file is Japanese.Therefore the text in the image is written in Japanese.)
I wanted to make it easy to use this library more.And I challenged it.
I referred to this BLOG.
(1) I make view file.
file path : /application/views/profiler.php
jquery is necessary for this javascript code.<script type="text/javascript">
if ($('#codeigniter_profiler').length > 0) {
var prof = $('<div>', {
id: 'profiler',
html: $('<img>', {
id : 'profiler_button',
height: 35,
width: 178,
alt: 'Toggle Profiler',
title: 'Toggle Profiler',
src: '<?php echo base_url(); ?>common/images/profiler/nav_toggle_darker.png'
$('#profiler').css('text-align', 'right');
$('#profiler').css('border-top', '10px #000 solid');
$('#codeigniter_profiler').css('display', 'none');
$('#codeigniter_profiler').css('background', '#FFF');
$('#codeigniter_profiler').click(function () {
this.orgImage = $(this).attr('src');
this.rolloverImage = this.orgImage.replace(/(\.gif|\.jpg|\.png)/, "_on$1");
// -->

About broadcasting ( CodeIgniter Talking ) on USTREAM.
This live broadcasting sometimes delivers it , Live PHP Codeing for this blog.
The next plan is not fixed.However, it is a plan in few days.
twitter : @NEKOGET informs it of starting right before it begins.
I talk in Japanese at the place, and, however, the screen is PHP(CodeIgniter).

I showed the thing that pushed forward work in local environment.
The color was the same, but changed some appearances.
On the left, I installed the change button of the character size.
The list according to the tag showed it, and changed the one.
The graphic design of a logo part and the footer part is going to revise it a little more.
I examine that I make the next function.A comment functionTrack back functionA banner link function